* Pimcore
* This source file is available under two different licenses:
* - GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
* - Pimcore Commercial License (PCL)
* Full copyright and license information is available in
* LICENSE.md which is distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Pimcore GmbH (http://www.pimcore.org)
* @license http://www.pimcore.org/license GPLv3 and PCL
namespace Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\RetryableException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
use Pimcore\Cache;
use Pimcore\Cache\Runtime;
use Pimcore\Event\DataObjectEvents;
use Pimcore\Event\Model\DataObjectEvent;
use Pimcore\Logger;
use Pimcore\Model;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Pimcore\Model\Element;
* @method AbstractObject\Dao getDao()
* @method array|null getPermissions(string $type, Model\User $user, bool $quote = true)
* @method bool __isBasedOnLatestData()
* @method string getCurrentFullPath()
* @method int getChildAmount($objectTypes = [DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], Model\User $user = null)
* @method array getChildPermissions(string $type, Model\User $user, bool $quote = true)
abstract class AbstractObject extends Model\Element\AbstractElement
const OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER = 'folder';
const OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT = 'object';
const OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT = 'variant';
* @internal
* @var bool
public static $doNotRestoreKeyAndPath = false;
* possible types of a document
* @var array
public static $types = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER, self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT];
* @var bool
private static $hideUnpublished = false;
* @var bool
private static $getInheritedValues = false;
* @internal
* @var bool
protected static $disableDirtyDetection = false;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected $o_id;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected $o_parentId;
* @internal
* @var self|null
protected $o_parent;
* @internal
* @var string
protected $o_type = 'object';
* @internal
* @var string|null
protected $o_key;
* @internal
* @var string|null
protected $o_path;
* @internal
* @var int
protected $o_index = 0;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected $o_creationDate;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected $o_modificationDate;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected ?int $o_userOwner = null;
* @internal
* @var int|null
protected ?int $o_userModification = null;
* @internal
* @var array|null
protected ?array $o_properties = null;
* @internal
* @var bool[]
protected $o_hasChildren = [];
* Contains a list of sibling documents
* @internal
* @var array
protected $o_siblings = [];
* Indicator if object has siblings or not
* @internal
* @var bool[]
protected $o_hasSiblings = [];
* @internal
* @var array
protected $o_children = [];
* @internal
* @var string
protected $o_locked;
* @internal
* @var string
protected $o_childrenSortBy;
* @internal
* @var string
protected $o_childrenSortOrder;
* @internal
* @var int
protected $o_versionCount = 0;
* @static
* @return bool
public static function getHideUnpublished()
return self::$hideUnpublished;
* @static
* @param bool $hideUnpublished
public static function setHideUnpublished($hideUnpublished)
self::$hideUnpublished = $hideUnpublished;
* @static
* @return bool
public static function doHideUnpublished()
return self::$hideUnpublished;
* @static
* @param bool $getInheritedValues
public static function setGetInheritedValues($getInheritedValues)
self::$getInheritedValues = $getInheritedValues;
* @static
* @return bool
public static function getGetInheritedValues()
return self::$getInheritedValues;
* @static
* @param Concrete $object
* @return bool
public static function doGetInheritedValues(Concrete $object = null)
if (self::$getInheritedValues && $object !== null) {
$class = $object->getClass();
return $class->getAllowInherit();
return self::$getInheritedValues;
* get possible types
* @return array
public static function getTypes()
return self::$types;
* Static helper to get an object by the passed ID
* @param int $id
* @param bool $force
* @return static|null
public static function getById($id, $force = false)
if (!is_numeric($id) || $id < 1) {
return null;
$id = (int)$id;
$cacheKey = self::getCacheKey($id);
if (!$force && Runtime::isRegistered($cacheKey)) {
$object = Runtime::get($cacheKey);
if ($object && static::typeMatch($object)) {
return $object;
if ($force || !($object = Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
$object = new Model\DataObject();
try {
$typeInfo = $object->getDao()->getTypeById($id);
if (!empty($typeInfo['o_type']) && in_array($typeInfo['o_type'], DataObject::$types)) {
if ($typeInfo['o_type'] == DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER) {
$className = Folder::class;
} else {
$className = 'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\' . ucfirst($typeInfo['o_className']);
/** @var AbstractObject $object */
$object = self::getModelFactory()->build($className);
Runtime::set($cacheKey, $object);
// force loading of relation data
if ($object instanceof Concrete) {
Cache::save($object, $cacheKey);
} else {
throw new Model\Exception\NotFoundException('No entry for object id ' . $id);
} catch (Model\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
return null;
} else {
Runtime::set($cacheKey, $object);
if (!$object || !static::typeMatch($object)) {
return null;
return $object;
* @param string $path
* @param bool $force
* @return static|null
public static function getByPath($path, $force = false)
if (!$path) {
return null;
$path = Model\Element\Service::correctPath($path);
try {
$object = new static();
return static::getById($object->getId(), $force);
} catch (Model\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
return null;
* @param array $config
* @return DataObject\Listing
* @throws \Exception
public static function getList($config = [])
$className = DataObject::class;
// get classname
if (!in_array(static::class, [__CLASS__, Concrete::class, Folder::class], true)) {
/** @var Concrete $tmpObject */
$tmpObject = new static();
if ($tmpObject instanceof Concrete) {
$className = 'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\' . ucfirst($tmpObject->getClassName());
if (is_array($config)) {
if (!empty($config['class'])) {
$className = ltrim($config['class'], '\\');
if ($className) {
$listClass = $className . '\\Listing';
/** @var DataObject\Listing $list */
$list = self::getModelFactory()->build($listClass);
return $list;
throw new \Exception('Unable to initiate list class - class not found or invalid configuration');
* @deprecated will be removed in Pimcore 11
* @param array $config
* @return int total count
public static function getTotalCount($config = [])
$list = static::getList($config);
$count = $list->getTotalCount();
return $count;
* @internal
* @param AbstractObject $object
* @return bool
protected static function typeMatch(AbstractObject $object)
return in_array(static::class, [Concrete::class, __CLASS__], true) || $object instanceof static;
* @param array $objectTypes
* @param bool $includingUnpublished
* @return self[]
public function getChildren(array $objectTypes = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], $includingUnpublished = false)
$cacheKey = $this->getListingCacheKey(func_get_args());
if (!isset($this->o_children[$cacheKey])) {
if ($this->getId()) {
$list = new Listing();
$list->setCondition('o_parentId = ?', $this->getId());
$list->setOrderKey(sprintf('o_%s', $this->getChildrenSortBy()));
$this->o_children[$cacheKey] = $list->load();
$this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey] = (bool) count($this->o_children[$cacheKey]);
} else {
$this->o_children[$cacheKey] = [];
$this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey] = false;
return $this->o_children[$cacheKey];
* Quick test if there are children
* @param array $objectTypes
* @param bool|null $includingUnpublished
* @return bool
public function hasChildren($objectTypes = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], $includingUnpublished = null)
$cacheKey = $this->getListingCacheKey(func_get_args());
if (isset($this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey])) {
return $this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey];
return $this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey] = $this->getDao()->hasChildren($objectTypes, $includingUnpublished);
* Get a list of the sibling documents
* @param array $objectTypes
* @param bool $includingUnpublished
* @return array
public function getSiblings(array $objectTypes = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], $includingUnpublished = false)
$cacheKey = $this->getListingCacheKey(func_get_args());
if (!isset($this->o_siblings[$cacheKey])) {
if ($this->getParentId()) {
$list = new Listing();
$list->addConditionParam('o_parentId = ?', $this->getParentId());
if ($this->getId()) {
$list->addConditionParam('o_id != ?', $this->getId());
$this->o_siblings[$cacheKey] = $list->load();
$this->o_hasSiblings[$cacheKey] = (bool) count($this->o_siblings[$cacheKey]);
} else {
$this->o_siblings[$cacheKey] = [];
$this->o_hasSiblings[$cacheKey] = false;
return $this->o_siblings[$cacheKey];
* Returns true if the object has at least one sibling
* @param array $objectTypes
* @param bool|null $includingUnpublished
* @return bool
public function hasSiblings($objectTypes = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], $includingUnpublished = null)
$cacheKey = $this->getListingCacheKey(func_get_args());
if (isset($this->o_hasSiblings[$cacheKey])) {
return $this->o_hasSiblings[$cacheKey];
return $this->o_hasSiblings[$cacheKey] = $this->getDao()->hasSiblings($objectTypes, $includingUnpublished);
* enum('self','propagate') nullable
* @return string|null
public function getLocked()
return $this->o_locked;
* enum('self','propagate') nullable
* @param string|null $o_locked
* @return $this
public function setLocked($o_locked)
$this->o_locked = $o_locked;
return $this;
* @internal
* @throws \Exception
protected function doDelete()
// delete children
$children = $this->getChildren(self::$types, true);
if (count($children) > 0) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
// remove dependencies
$d = new Model\Dependency;
// remove all properties
// remove all permissions
* @throws \Exception
public function delete()
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(new DataObjectEvent($this), DataObjectEvents::PRE_DELETE);
try {
//clear parent data from registry
$parentCacheKey = self::getCacheKey($this->getParentId());
if (Runtime::isRegistered($parentCacheKey)) {
/** @var AbstractObject $parent * */
$parent = Runtime::get($parentCacheKey);
if ($parent instanceof self) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$failureEvent = new DataObjectEvent($this);
$failureEvent->setArgument('exception', $e);
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($failureEvent, DataObjectEvents::POST_DELETE_FAILURE);
throw $e;
// empty object cache
//clear object from registry
Runtime::set(self::getCacheKey($this->getId()), null);
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(new DataObjectEvent($this), DataObjectEvents::POST_DELETE);
* @return $this
* @throws \Exception
public function save()
// additional parameters (e.g. "versionNote" for the version note)
$params = [];
if (func_num_args() && is_array(func_get_arg(0))) {
$params = func_get_arg(0);
$isUpdate = false;
$differentOldPath = null;
try {
$isDirtyDetectionDisabled = self::isDirtyDetectionDisabled();
$preEvent = new DataObjectEvent($this, $params);
if ($this->getId()) {
$isUpdate = true;
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($preEvent, DataObjectEvents::PRE_UPDATE);
} else {
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($preEvent, DataObjectEvents::PRE_ADD);
$params = $preEvent->getArguments();
// we wrap the save actions in a loop here, so that we can restart the database transactions in the case it fails
// if a transaction fails it gets restarted $maxRetries times, then the exception is thrown out
// this is especially useful to avoid problems with deadlocks in multi-threaded environments (forked workers, ...)
$maxRetries = 5;
for ($retries = 0; $retries < $maxRetries; $retries++) {
// be sure that unpublished objects in relations are saved also in frontend mode, eg. in importers, ...
$hideUnpublishedBackup = self::getHideUnpublished();
try {
if (!in_array($this->getType(), self::$types)) {
throw new \Exception('invalid object type given: [' . $this->getType() . ']');
if (!$isUpdate) {
// get the old path from the database before the update is done
$oldPath = null;
if ($isUpdate) {
$oldPath = $this->getDao()->getCurrentFullPath();
// if the old path is different from the new path, update all children
// we need to do the update of the children's path before $this->update() because the
// inheritance helper needs the correct paths of the children in InheritanceHelper::buildTree()
$updatedChildren = [];
if ($oldPath && $oldPath != $this->getRealFullPath()) {
$differentOldPath = $oldPath;
$updatedChildren = $this->getDao()->updateChildPaths($oldPath);
$this->update($isUpdate, $params);
break; // transaction was successfully completed, so we cancel the loop here -> no restart required
} catch (\Exception $e) {
try {
} catch (\Exception $er) {
// PDO adapter throws exceptions if rollback fails
// set "HideUnpublished" back to the value it was originally
if ($e instanceof UniqueConstraintViolationException) {
throw new Element\ValidationException('unique constraint violation', 0, $e);
if ($e instanceof RetryableException) {
// we try to start the transaction $maxRetries times again (deadlocks, ...)
if ($retries < ($maxRetries - 1)) {
$run = $retries + 1;
$waitTime = random_int(1, 5) * 100000; // microseconds
Logger::warn('Unable to finish transaction (' . $run . ". run) because of the following reason '" . $e->getMessage() . "'. --> Retrying in " . $waitTime . ' microseconds ... (' . ($run + 1) . ' of ' . $maxRetries . ')');
usleep($waitTime); // wait specified time until we restart the transaction
} else {
// if the transaction still fail after $maxRetries retries, we throw out the exception
Logger::error('Finally giving up restarting the same transaction again and again, last message: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
} else {
throw $e;
$additionalTags = [];
if (isset($updatedChildren) && is_array($updatedChildren)) {
foreach ($updatedChildren as $objectId) {
$tag = 'object_' . $objectId;
$additionalTags[] = $tag;
// remove the child also from registry (internal cache) to avoid path inconsistencies during long running scripts, such as CLI
Runtime::set($tag, null);
$postEvent = new DataObjectEvent($this, $params);
if ($isUpdate) {
if ($differentOldPath) {
$postEvent->setArgument('oldPath', $differentOldPath);
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($postEvent, DataObjectEvents::POST_UPDATE);
} else {
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($postEvent, DataObjectEvents::POST_ADD);
return $this;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$failureEvent = new DataObjectEvent($this, $params);
$failureEvent->setArgument('exception', $e);
if ($isUpdate) {
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($failureEvent, DataObjectEvents::POST_UPDATE_FAILURE);
} else {
\Pimcore::getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($failureEvent, DataObjectEvents::POST_ADD_FAILURE);
throw $e;
* @internal
* @throws \Exception
protected function correctPath()
// set path
if ($this->getId() != 1) { // not for the root node
if (!Element\Service::isValidKey($this->getKey(), 'object')) {
throw new \Exception('invalid key for object with id [ '.$this->getId().' ] key is: [' . $this->getKey() . ']');
if ($this->getParentId() == $this->getId()) {
throw new \Exception("ParentID and ID is identical, an element can't be the parent of itself.");
$parent = DataObject::getById($this->getParentId());
if ($parent) {
// use the parent's path from the database here (getCurrentFullPath), to ensure the path really exists and does not rely on the path
// that is currently in the parent object (in memory), because this might have changed but wasn't not saved
$this->setPath(str_replace('//', '/', $parent->getCurrentFullPath().'/'));
} else {
// parent document doesn't exist anymore, set the parent to to root
if (strlen($this->getKey()) < 1) {
throw new \Exception('DataObject requires key');
} elseif ($this->getId() == 1) {
// some data in root node should always be the same
if (Service::pathExists($this->getRealFullPath())) {
$duplicate = DataObject::getByPath($this->getRealFullPath());
if ($duplicate instanceof self && $duplicate->getId() != $this->getId()) {
throw new \Exception('Duplicate full path [ '.$this->getRealFullPath().' ] - cannot save object');
* @internal
* @param bool|null $isUpdate
* @param array $params
* @throws \Exception
protected function update($isUpdate = null, $params = [])
// save properties
if (is_array($this->getProperties()) && count($this->getProperties()) > 0) {
foreach ($this->getProperties() as $property) {
if (!$property->getInherited()) {
// save dependencies
$d = new Model\Dependency();
foreach ($this->resolveDependencies() as $requirement) {
if ($requirement['id'] == $this->getId() && $requirement['type'] === 'object') {
// dont't add a reference to yourself
$d->addRequirement($requirement['id'], $requirement['type']);
//set object to registry
Runtime::set(self::getCacheKey($this->getId()), $this);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function clearDependentCache($additionalTags = [])
self::clearDependentCacheByObjectId($this->getId(), $additionalTags);
* @internal
* @param int $objectId
* @param array $additionalTags
public static function clearDependentCacheByObjectId($objectId, $additionalTags = [])
if (!$objectId) {
throw new \Exception('object ID missing');
try {
$tags = ['object_' . $objectId, 'object_properties', 'output'];
$tags = array_merge($tags, $additionalTags);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
* @internal
* @param int $index
public function saveIndex($index)
* @return string
public function getFullPath()
$path = $this->getPath() . $this->getKey();
return $path;
* @return string
public function getRealPath()
return $this->getPath();
* @return string
public function getRealFullPath()
return $this->getFullPath();
* @return int|null
public function getId()
return $this->o_id;
* @return int|null
public function getParentId()
// fall back to parent if no ID is set but we have a parent object
if (!$this->o_parentId && $this->o_parent) {
return $this->o_parent->getId();
return $this->o_parentId;
* @return string
public function getType()
return $this->o_type;
* @return string|null
public function getKey()
return $this->o_key;
* @return string|null
public function getPath()
return $this->o_path;
* @return int
public function getIndex()
return $this->o_index;
* @return int|null
public function getCreationDate()
return $this->o_creationDate;
* @return int|null
public function getModificationDate()
return $this->o_modificationDate;
* @return int|null
public function getUserOwner()
return $this->o_userOwner;
* @return int
public function getUserModification()
return $this->o_userModification;
* @param int $o_id
* @return $this
public function setId($o_id)
$this->o_id = (int) $o_id;
return $this;
* @param int $o_parentId
* @return $this
public function setParentId($o_parentId)
$o_parentId = (int) $o_parentId;
if ($o_parentId != $this->o_parentId) {
$this->o_parentId = $o_parentId;
$this->o_parent = null;
$this->o_siblings = [];
$this->o_hasSiblings = [];
return $this;
* @param string $o_type
* @return $this
public function setType($o_type)
$this->o_type = $o_type;
return $this;
* @param string $o_key
* @return $this
public function setKey($o_key)
$this->o_key = (string)$o_key;
return $this;
* @param string $o_path
* @return $this
public function setPath($o_path)
$this->o_path = $o_path;
return $this;
* @param int $o_index
* @return $this
public function setIndex($o_index)
$this->o_index = (int) $o_index;
return $this;
* @param string|null $childrenSortBy
public function setChildrenSortBy($childrenSortBy)
if ($this->o_childrenSortBy !== $childrenSortBy) {
$this->o_children = [];
$this->o_hasChildren = [];
$this->o_childrenSortBy = $childrenSortBy;
* @param int $o_creationDate
* @return $this
public function setCreationDate($o_creationDate)
$this->o_creationDate = (int) $o_creationDate;
return $this;
* @param int $o_modificationDate
* @return $this
public function setModificationDate($o_modificationDate)
$this->o_modificationDate = (int) $o_modificationDate;
return $this;
* @param int $o_userOwner
* @return $this
public function setUserOwner($o_userOwner)
$this->o_userOwner = (int) $o_userOwner;
return $this;
* @param int $o_userModification
* @return $this
public function setUserModification($o_userModification)
$this->o_userModification = (int) $o_userModification;
return $this;
* @param array|null $children
* @param array $objectTypes
* @param bool $includingUnpublished
* @return $this
public function setChildren($children, array $objectTypes = [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER], $includingUnpublished = false)
if ($children === null) {
// unset all cached children
$this->o_children = [];
$this->o_hasChildren = [];
} elseif (is_array($children)) {
//default cache key
$cacheKey = $this->getListingCacheKey([$objectTypes, $includingUnpublished]);
$this->o_children[$cacheKey] = $children;
$this->o_hasChildren[$cacheKey] = (bool) count($children);
return $this;
* @return self|null
public function getParent()
if ($this->o_parent === null) {
return $this->o_parent;
* @param self|null $o_parent
* @return $this
public function setParent($o_parent)
$newParentId = $o_parent instanceof self ? $o_parent->getId() : 0;
$this->o_parent = $o_parent;
return $this;
* @return Model\Property[]
public function getProperties()
if ($this->o_properties === null) {
// try to get from cache
$cacheKey = 'object_properties_' . $this->getId();
$properties = Cache::load($cacheKey);
if (!is_array($properties)) {
$properties = $this->getDao()->getProperties();
$elementCacheTag = $this->getCacheTag();
$cacheTags = ['object_properties' => 'object_properties', $elementCacheTag => $elementCacheTag];
Cache::save($properties, $cacheKey, $cacheTags);
return $this->o_properties;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setProperties(?array $properties)
$this->o_properties = $properties;
return $this;
* @param string $name
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $data
* @param bool $inherited
* @param bool $inheritable
* @return $this
public function setProperty($name, $type, $data, $inherited = false, $inheritable = false)
$property = new Model\Property();
$this->o_properties[$name] = $property;
return $this;
* @return string
public function getChildrenSortBy()
return $this->o_childrenSortBy ?? self::OBJECT_CHILDREN_SORT_BY_DEFAULT;
public function __sleep()
$parentVars = parent::__sleep();
$blockedVars = ['o_hasChildren', 'o_versions', 'o_class', 'scheduledTasks', 'o_parent', 'omitMandatoryCheck'];
if ($this->isInDumpState()) {
// this is if we want to make a full dump of the object (eg. for a new version), including children for recyclebin
$blockedVars = array_merge($blockedVars, ['o_dirtyFields']);
} else {
// this is if we want to cache the object
$blockedVars = array_merge($blockedVars, ['o_children', 'o_properties']);
return array_diff($parentVars, $blockedVars);
public function __wakeup()
if ($this->isInDumpState() && !self::$doNotRestoreKeyAndPath) {
// set current key and path this is necessary because the serialized data can have a different path than the original element ( element was renamed or moved )
$originalElement = DataObject::getById($this->getId());
if ($originalElement) {
if ($this->isInDumpState() && $this->o_properties !== null) {
* @param string $method
* @param array $args
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function __call($method, $args)
// compatibility mode (they do not have any set_oXyz() methods anymore)
if (preg_match('/^(get|set)o_/i', $method)) {
$newMethod = preg_replace('/^(get|set)o_/i', '$1', $method);
if (method_exists($this, $newMethod)) {
$r = call_user_func_array([$this, $newMethod], $args);
return $r;
return parent::__call($method, $args);
* @return bool
public static function doNotRestoreKeyAndPath()
return self::$doNotRestoreKeyAndPath;
* @param bool $doNotRestoreKeyAndPath
public static function setDoNotRestoreKeyAndPath($doNotRestoreKeyAndPath)
self::$doNotRestoreKeyAndPath = $doNotRestoreKeyAndPath;
* @param string $fieldName
* @param string|null $language
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed
public function get($fieldName, $language = null)
if (!$fieldName) {
throw new \Exception('Field name must not be empty.');
return $this->{'get'.ucfirst($fieldName)}($language);
* @param string $fieldName
* @param mixed $value
* @param string|null $language
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed
public function set($fieldName, $value, $language = null)
if (!$fieldName) {
throw new \Exception('Field name must not be empty.');
return $this->{'set'.ucfirst($fieldName)}($value, $language);
* @internal
* @return bool
public static function isDirtyDetectionDisabled()
return self::$disableDirtyDetection;
* @internal
* @param bool $disableDirtyDetection
public static function setDisableDirtyDetection(bool $disableDirtyDetection)
self::$disableDirtyDetection = $disableDirtyDetection;
* @internal
public static function disableDirtyDetection()
* @internal
public static function enableDirtyDetection()
* @return int
public function getVersionCount(): int
return $this->o_versionCount ? $this->o_versionCount : 0;
* @param int|null $o_versionCount
* @return AbstractObject
public function setVersionCount(?int $o_versionCount): Element\ElementInterface
$this->o_versionCount = (int) $o_versionCount;
return $this;
* @internal
* @param array $args
* @return string
protected function getListingCacheKey(array $args = [])
$objectTypes = $args[0] ?? [self::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, self::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER];
$includingUnpublished = (bool)($args[1] ?? false);
if (is_array($objectTypes)) {
$objectTypes = implode('_', $objectTypes);
$cacheKey = $objectTypes . (!empty($includingUnpublished) ? '_' : '') . (string)$includingUnpublished;
return $cacheKey;
* @param string | null $o_reverseSort
* @return AbstractObject
public function setChildrenSortOrder(?string $o_reverseSort): Element\ElementInterface
$this->o_childrenSortOrder = $o_reverseSort;
return $this;
* @return string
public function getChildrenSortOrder(): string
return $this->o_childrenSortOrder ?? self::OBJECT_CHILDREN_SORT_ORDER_DEFAULT;
* load lazy loaded fields before cloning
public function __clone()
$this->o_parent = null;
// note that o_children is currently needed for the recycle bin
$this->o_hasSiblings = [];
$this->o_siblings = [];